Critical illness insurance, also known as specified disease insurance

With critical illness insurance, you’ll receive a lump-sum cash payment if you or an eligible family member are diagnosed with a covered illness.
What it does
Provides a lump-sum payment if you are diagnosed with one of the covered serious illnesses.
How it works
After you receive a diagnosis for a covered condition and submit your claim to us, you’ll receive your payment. There’s no waiting period and payments are made directly to you, so you can use them as you see fit.
What it doesn't do
Provide payment for illnesses or conditions that were diagnosed prior to your effective date, or for illnesses or conditions that aren’t covered. Check with your benefits representative for your company’s specific plan details.

Protection that’s critical

Medical issues are tied to 67% of bankruptcies, with 59% being the direct result of medical bills. 1

1 Source:


  • What is critical illness insurance?
    Group critical illness insurance is designed to pay a lump sum cash benefit when an insured is diagnosed with a covered condition (i.e. heart attack, stroke, cancer, etc.).  The covered conditions are common and typically are survivable diagnoses.
  • Why should I buy CI insurance?
    Two-thirds of personal bankruptcies are due to medical expenses, even for those with medical insurance. Equitable's critical illness insurance policy covers the most common conditions likely to arise over your lifetime and provides protection from the many expenses stemming from a significant medical condition.
  • What is a Wellness Benefit?
    Insureds are eligible to receive an annual benefit amount (default is $50) when they undergo any eligible exam or screening from the covered list.
  • Can I enroll for this insurance without having to take a medical exam?
    Yes. No medical evidence is required for Equitable's group critical illness insurance.
  • Do I have to wait before I can access benefits?
    No, once enrolled and your benefits are effective, there are no waiting periods before benefits can be accessed.
  • Are benefits paid directly to me or to my health care provider?
    All benefits for Equitable's group critical illness insurance are paid directly to you to use as you see fit - to cover out-of-pocket medical expenses, groceries, childcare, or transportation costs.
  • What happens if I change jobs? Can I take my coverage with me?
    Yes. Equitable's group critical illness insurance is portable, which means you can take your policy with you. Coverage and rates will remain the same.
  • Is the claims process simple?
    Yes, we have two forms: one for a critical illness claim and a short form for the wellness benefit. The forms are designed to be easy to complete and submit to our claims department.  Our average turnaround time for claims is 5 days.
  • Are there conditions that aren't covered by the insurance?

    The plan does not provide payment for conditions that aren’t part of the covered list. Additionally, the policy has exclusions that may affect benefits payable. Click here for full exclusions and limitations.

    for full exclusions and limitations.

Equitable's full suite of insurance products

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Short-Term Disability
Icon for Long Term Disability
Long-Term Disability
Accident Icon
Icon for Critical Illness
Critical Illness
Icon for Hospital Indemnity
Hospital Indemnity

Availability of this product is subject to state approvals.

Critical Illness insurance is called Specified Disease insurance in the state of New York.

“Critical illness insurance” is a limited benefit policy. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance, and does not satisfy the requirement for minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

The certificate has exclusions and limitations for certain conditions that may affect any benefits payable. Benefits payable are subject to all terms and conditions of the certificate. This overview is preliminary to the issuance of the policy and certificate. The policy, certificate and rider, if applicable, may not be available in all states and may vary based on state laws and regulations.

Policy form MOEBP19 CI and state variations.

All group insurance products are issued either by Equitable Financial or Equitable America, which have sole responsibility for their respective insurance and are backed solely by their claims-paying obligations. Some products are not available in all states.

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