Starting a business


Starting a business can be a very demanding time in your career. We understand you are working hard to make your dream a reality and you have a lot on the line. Equitable can help you take small manageable steps so you can maintain sight of the important things, like laying down the foundation and establishing your business while protecting what you’re working so hard to build.


Strategies you can use

See what needs you, your family, and your employees may have during this time, for which we can provide strategies.

Next steps

Let one of our financial professionals get to know you and see how we can help. Find a financial professional near you, or call us now at 844-4BIZINFO (844-424-9463).

1. These products only provide disability income insurance THESE POLICIES ARE NOT MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PLANS.  They do NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services. The policies have limitations and exclusions.  Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs.  Plan documents are the final arbiter of coverage.  Policy Form/Contract AXEBP15DI; MOEBP15DI and State Variations.
GE-130128C (10/2017)